December 27, 2025 - January 6, 2026
Year 2 of 3

Paraguay Campers
Bolivian Flag

Acts 17 tells us that God appoints the times and places we are to hold so that we might perhaps reach out to him. The story of Bolivia is a continued story of Paraguay. It all started with the camp in South Africa and Brazil some years ago. Once the camp in South Africa got started people in the surrounding countries began to send their children; once such man was Araujo Francisco who was leading the church in Maputo, Mozambique. He sent his son to Johannesburg and upon his return home was so excited for camp that he approached Rodwell Mugochi, the South African Camp Director, about having camp in Mozambique.

With the help of the Columbia Church of Christ in Columbia, South Carolina, and Samuel Santos, the Camp Director in Brazil, a team from South Africa and Brazil started the camp in Mozambique. Within a few months after the first camp in Maputo, Araujo and his family moved to Paraguay as his wife is from Argentina and they wanted to be closer (being on the same continent is closer :D ), where he immediately sought out Samuel in Brazil and wanted to arrange for kids in Paraguay to attend a camp in Brazil.

But then the church in Asuncion City, Paraguay decided why not save our money and start a camp in Paraguay and so discussions started happening with Samuel in Brazil, Rolando Obando (Camp Director and Trainer in Nicaragua), and Omar Zamboni (Camp Director in Honduras) and the plan came together to have the first camp in Paraguay in January 2023 with Rolando and Omar and a team from Central America, Brazil and the United States.

Because they heard about camp, two people from Bolivia came to Year-1 camp in Paraguay and went back and explained all they had heard and seen. This, along with Araujo's encouragement as to the power of camp, started conversations and so, for the first time ever, there will be two Swamp Corps trips happening simultaneously in 2025. Very exciting how the Spirit sets things in motion. Praise and honor to the Spirit and God for making this happen.

Trip Information

Key Information:

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  • Do I Need a Visa?
    Must purchase a 30 day visa at the airport upon landing in Bolvia.

    Click here for more information.

    BE SURE to register with SIGEMIG by clicking here.
  • Are Vaccinations Needed?
    Yellow Fever Vaccination is required to enter Bolivia.

    Check the following two sources: Passport Health or CDC Health Information for Travelers to Bolivia.
    Use these sites to find the nearest Travel Clinic to you.
    They can advise you on the shots needed and the fees associated with each one.
    We highly suggest the use of a travel clinic as they are more knowledgeable and prepared.
  • Camp Schedule
    Tentative Camp Schedule
    This schedule is subject to change as we refine it over the ensuing months.

    Updated 12/2/2024

    Arrive December 29
    Staff Training on SUN, DEC 31 and MON, JAN 1
    Enjoy New Years at camp.

    Wednesday, January 1:

    4:00 PM Campers Arrive / Cabin Assignments
    5:00 PM Welcome/Rules/Information
    6:00 PM Free time
    7:00 PM Dinner
    8:00 PM Opening Devotional
    9:00 PM Cabin Time
    10:00 PM Lights Out

    Thursday, January 2:
    8:00 AM Breakfast
    9:00 AM Clean Dorm Rooms
    9:30 AM Camp Meeting
    9:40-11:00 AM Free Time
    11:00 AM Bible Class
    12:00 PM Lunch
    1:00 PM Dorm Team Time
    2:30 PM Free time
    7:00 PM Dinner
    8:00 PM Free Time
    8:30 PM Devotional (Counselor Led)
    9:00 PM Cabin Time
    10:00 Lights Out

    Friday, January 3:
    8:00 AM Breakfast
    8:45 AM Clean Dorm Rooms
    9:00 AM Singing Devotional
    9:45-11:00 AM Free Time
    11:00 AM Bible Classes
    12:00 PM Lunch
    1:00 PM Dorm Team Time
    2:30 PM Free Time
    7:00 PM Dinner
    8:15 PM Star Light Devotional
    9:00 PM To Cabin
    10:00 PM Lights Out

    Saturday, January 4:
    8:00 AM Breakfast
    9:00 AM Clean Dorms
    9:30 AM Camp Meeting
    9:40-11:00 AM Free Time
    11:00 AM Bible Class (Cross Study)
    12:00 PM Lunch
    1:00 PM Dorm Team Time
    2:30 PM Free Time
    7:00 PM Dinner
    8:15 PM Ring & Mingle of Honor
    9:30 PM To Cabin
    10:30 PM Lights Out

    Sunday, January 5:
    8:00 AM Breakfast
    9:00 AM Clean & Pack
    10:00-12:00 AM Worship Service & Closing Ceremony
    1:00 PM Depart
  • Emergency Contact Information
    Below are the numbers you can call

    During Trip
    When: Any time
    Jeff Rorabaugh - +1-706-818-5842
  • Flight Information
    As of 12/16/24

    -------------- -------------------
    SAT 28DEC

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    SAT 28DEC

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    SUN 29DEC

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    SUN 29DEC

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    TUE 07JAN

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    TUE 07JAN

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    TUE 07JAN

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    TUE 07JAN
  • Itinerary
    2024-25 Bolivia Trip Itinerary

    Updated 12/16/2024

    Saturday, December 28:
    • Meet at ATL Airport International Terminal 12:15P
    • Depart Atlanta - 3:22P
    • Arrive in Panama City, Panama - 7:33P
    • Stay in Hotel in Panama City

    Sunday, December 29:
    • Depart Panama City 4:04P
    • Arrive Santa Cruz - 10:10P
    • Travel to Camp
    • Rest & Hang out

    Monday, December 30:
    • Conduct Training

    Tuesday, December 31:
    • Continue Training
    • Celebrate New Years

    Wednesday, January 1:
    • Conduct Staff Training and Prepare Camp
    • Kids arrive

    Wednesday, January 1 - Sunday, January 5:
    • Year 1 Bolivia Camp

    Sunday, January 5:
    • Camp-led Worship Service
    • Stay at camp location Sunday night
    • Rest

    Monday, January 6:
    • Check out of Camp Location
    • Activity Sight Seeing Santa Cruz
    • Arrive at airport by 10:00pm

    Tuesday, January 7
    • Depart Santa Cruz - 12:55A
    • Arrive Panama City, Panama - 4:50A
    • Depart Panama City - 9:25A
    • Arrive in Atlanta - 1:49P
  • Participants
    ArteagaPaulaSantiago, Chile
    BaileyEvanFayetteville, NC
    BasilioArianaFayetteville, NC
    CoutoJuliaBelo Horizonte, Brazil
    CruzPriscillaCiudad, Mexico
    DesirKaylaDacula, GA
    HansonMaxWade, NC
    JenkinsPearlCary, NC
    KodinskyCamdenAcworth, GA
    KramerJakeSummerville, SC
    LugoVictorSantiago, Chile
    MartinsViniciusRio de Janiero, Brazil
    ReddRichardMonroe, GA
    RorabaughJeffWilmington, NC
    SanchezBenjaminSantiago, Chile
    TrammelEmmanualCharlotte, NC
    UrciuoliGraceSavannah, GA
    VazquezAnthonyMarietta, GA
  • Camp Location
    Sede Social Mum Convention Center
    Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
    Phone: +591 75636972

    Click here for pics.
  • Personal Travel Insurance Details
    Faith Ventures Pricing

    For more details and to purchase, please visit; a service provided by Brotherhood Mutual, our group insurance carrier, or Secutive insurance services as recommended by Sarah Kodinsky.

For questions, Email Jeff.

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